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Learning situation
Subject: Castilian language and literature
Class: 3RD ESO
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Exploring Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Our Community
In this learning situation, students will be immersed in a concrete context that addresses linguistic and cultural diversity in our community. The objective is for students to recognize and value the richness of the languages and cultures present in their environment, overcoming stereotypes and linguistic prejudices. Through various activities, research and reflections, students will understand the importance of linguistic diversity as a source of cultural enrichment and will learn to manage information and resources in a critical and respectful way.

This learning situation is designed to promote the assessment of linguistic and cultural diversity, promoting the recognition of students' languages and the multilingual and multicultural reality. In addition, it seeks to develop specific competencies related to the understanding and interpretation of oral and written texts, as well as the search, selection and evaluation of information in an autonomous manner. It is also intended to strengthen transversal skills such as digital, entrepreneurial and personal, social and learning competence.

The current reality shows a diverse society in which different languages and cultures coexist. In our community, different dialect varieties of Spanish are spoken and other co-official languages are present. Students will explore this linguistic and cultural context, researching the languages spoken by their classmates, dialect varieties and existing linguistic stereotypes. They will also analyze the sociolinguistic history of the region, recognizing the importance of linguistic diversity in our globalized society.

How can we value and promote linguistic and cultural diversity in our community, while recognizing and rejecting linguistic stereotypes and prejudices?
Specific Competencies
Specific Competence 1
Describe and value linguistic and cultural diversity based on the recognition of students' languages and the multilingual and multicultural reality, to promote linguistic transfer, identify and reject stereotypes and linguistic prejudices, valuing this diversity as a source of cultural wealth.
Specific Competence 2
Understand and interpret oral and multimodal texts, collecting the general meaning and the most relevant information, their form and content, to build knowledge, form opinions and expand the possibilities of enjoyment and leisure.
Specific Competence 4
Understand, interpret and analyze, with a critical sense and different reading purposes, written and multimodal texts recognizing their global meaning and their main and secondary ideas, identifying their intention of the issuer, reflecting on their content and form and evaluating their quality and reliability, to build knowledge and respond to diverse communication needs and interests.
Specific Competence 6
Search, select and contrast information from different sources in a progressively autonomous way, evaluating its reliability and relevance according to the reading objectives and avoiding the risks of manipulation and disinformation, and integrating it and transforming it into knowledge, in order to communicate it, adopting a critical, personal and respectful point of view of intellectual property.
Treatment of transversal competencies
Digital Competence
It performs advanced Internet searches based on criteria of validity, quality, timeliness and reliability, critically selecting them and archiving them to retrieve, reference and reuse these searches with respect to intellectual property.
Digital Competence
It performs advanced Internet searches based on criteria of validity, quality, timeliness and reliability, critically selecting them and archiving them to retrieve, reference and reuse these searches with respect to intellectual property.
Understand, interpret and analyze, with a critical sense and different reading purposes, written and multimodal texts recognizing their global meaning and their main and secondary ideas, identifying their intention of the issuer, reflecting on their content and form and evaluating their quality and reliability, to build knowledge and respond to diverse communication needs and interests
Digital Competence
It regulates and expresses their emotions, strengthening optimism, resilience, self-efficacy and the search for purpose and motivation towards learning to manage challenges and changes and harmonize them with their own objectives.
Learning Objectives — Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Recognize and value the linguistic and cultural diversity of our community, identifying the languages spoken by students and the dialect varieties present in the environment, to appreciate the cultural richness that this diversity represents.
Recognize and value the Castilian language and its dialect varieties, differentiating its sociolectal and registration traits, based on the explanation of its historical and sociolinguistic origin or development, and contrasting linguistic and discursive aspects in oral, written and multimodal manifestations.
Identify and question linguistic prejudices and stereotypes by adopting an attitude of respect and valuation of cultural, linguistic and dialect wealth, based on inquiry and reflection on individual and collective linguistic rights, as well as reflection on phenomena of contact between languages.
Understand and interpret oral and multimodal texts, extracting relevant information and recognizing the intention of the issuer, in order to build knowledge and expand the possibilities of enjoyment and leisure.
Understand the global meaning, the structure, the most relevant information depending on the communication needs and the intention of the sender, of oral and multimodal texts of some complexity from different fields, analyzing the interaction between the different codes.
Assess the form and content of oral and multimodal texts of a certain complexity, evaluating their quality, reliability and suitability of the channel used, as well as the effectiveness of the communication procedures used.
Understand, interpret and analyze written and multimodal texts of varying complexity, reflecting on their content and form, and evaluating their quality and reliability, to build knowledge and respond to diverse communication needs.
Understand and interpret the global meaning, structure, most relevant information and the intention of the issuer of written and multimodal texts of a certain complexity, which respond to different reading purposes, making the necessary inferences.
CA 4.2
Critically evaluate the content and form of written and multimodal texts of a certain complexity, evaluating their quality, reliability and suitability of the channel used, as well as the effectiveness of the communication procedures used.
Search, select and contrast information from different sources, including digital resources, autonomously and critically, evaluating its reliability and relevance according to the reading objectives, and communicating it adopting a critical, personal and respectful point of view of intellectual property.
Apply information search strategies (location, selection and contrast), in different sources, including digital ones, calibrating their reliability and relevance according to reading objectives, on topics of academic, personal, ecological and social interest, autonomously, in the network and in the library, critically evaluating the result of the search
Languages and their speakers
  • Analysis of one's own linguistic biography and of the linguistic diversity of the center and the town.
  • Analysis of the socio-historical development of Spanish languages, with special attention to the Catalan language, for the understanding of the multilingual and multicultural reality.
  • Development of interlinguistic reflection in the context of the subject
Context: components of the communicative fact:
  • Analysis of the components of the communicative fact: degree of formality of the situation and public or private nature; social distance between the interlocutors; communicative purposes and interpretation of intentions; communication channel and non-verbal elements of communication, in classroom situations, in everyday life and in the media.
  • Informal oral and written interaction. Take and leave the floor. Conversational cooperation and linguistic courtesy. Active listening, assertiveness and dialogued resolution of conflicts, in the context of the classroom, of daily life and of the media, including networks, and in academic activities.
  • Understanding the overall meaning of the oral text and the relationship between its parts, selection and retention of relevant information. The issuer's intent. Detection of discriminatory uses of verbal and non-verbal language. Evaluation of the form and content of the text, in the context of the classroom, of daily life and of the media, including networks, and in academic activities.
Standalone reading
  • Involvement in reading in a progressively autonomous way and reflection on the texts read and on one's own reading practice.
  • Selection, in a progressively autonomous way, of various works that include authors and authors based on the autonomous use of the available school and public library.
  • Active participation in cultural events linked to the literary and reading circuit.
  • Application of strategies for raising awareness and verbalizing one's own tastes and reading identity at a personal and social level (shared reading).
Development of the learning situation
It is planned to use various methodological strategies to promote reflection, research and active student participation. As for the group, both individual and group activities will be carried out. Initial and development activities may be carried out individually or in pairs, encouraging participation and interaction between students. In the structuring and application activities, collaborative working groups will be formed for the development of the project. The main materials and resources needed include paper, cardboard and drawing materials for the creation of the mural or poster, as well as digital devices for accessing multimedia resources and carrying out research. In addition, recorders, video cameras and digital resources will be used for information collection. The return of the activities will take place through the evaluation and feedback of both the teacher and the classmates themselves. Participation, collaborative work, the quality of the projects presented and their effectiveness in promoting the valuation of linguistic and cultural diversity will be valued. Students will be able to reflect on the results obtained and make adjustments or improvements based on the suggestions and comments received
Development of the learning situation
Description of the activity
Timing (sessions)
Initial activities
What do we know?
Exploration of previous knowledge: In this initial phase, students will reflect on the languages spoken in their community. They will be invited to share their personal experiences related to linguistic and cultural diversity. In addition, they will be asked to brainstorm to express their views on existing linguistic stereotypes and prejudices. The objective is for students to become aware of the richness and variety of languages present in their environment and to reflect on the importance of respecting and valuing this diversity. To capture their reflections and knowledge, they are proposed to create a mural or poster, where they can use different materials and artistic techniques. Teachers will provide guidance and support during the process, encouraging active participation and the exchange of ideas among students.
Development activities
We learn new knowledge
Research on present languages: During this stage, students will carry out research to identify the languages spoken by them and the dialect varieties present in their environment. To do this, they will be asked to conduct surveys and interviews with their colleagues and people in the community. The objective is to gather accurate information on local linguistic diversity. In addition, students will be encouraged to explore the region's sociolinguistic history, analyzing related written and multimedia texts. They will be provided with different resources, such as videos, audio recordings and digital resources, to expand their knowledge. During these sessions, teamwork and collaboration between students will be encouraged. Teachers will be available to guide and guide the search for relevant information and in the critical analysis of the data collected.
Structuring activities
What have we learned?
The structuring activities consist of four sessions. During the first sessions, students will collect relevant information on linguistic and cultural diversity from various sources, such as texts, interviews, videos and personal experiences. They will be guided through this collection process, providing them with resources and guidance to do so effectively. Once the information has been collected, in subsequent sessions, students will carry out a detailed analysis of the data, identifying stereotypes and linguistic prejudices present in their community. Through debates and group discussions, their active participation will be encouraged, sharing their personal points of view and experiences. Based on this analysis, students will plan and structure the creation of a collaborative project to promote linguistic and cultural diversity in their community. They will be guided in the definition of objectives, concrete actions and assignment of tasks within the group. During these sessions, they will receive guidance and feedback from the teacher, who will provide them with advice and suggestions to improve the quality and viability of their project. At the end of these activities, students should have a detailed and organized plan for the development of their collaborative project.
Enforcement activities
We apply what we have learned
In the first session, students will review the previously designed plan and analyze the tasks assigned to each member of the group, making sure they clearly understand their responsibilities. They will be encouraged to track progress and to collaborate effectively, sharing ideas and resources. In the following sessions, the groups will focus on developing activities and educational materials to raise awareness of the importance of respecting and valuing different languages and cultures. They will be encouraged to use different formats, such as brochures, videos, digital presentations or theatrical performances, and to use visual and audiovisual resources to reinforce the message of their project. During this process, they will have the support of the teacher, who will provide them with guidance and feedback to ensure the coherence and effectiveness of the activities and materials developed.

In the last session, groups will spend time preparing their project presentation. They will be able to choose between different formats, such as an exhibition, a video or a digital presentation, and they will be encouraged to use visual and audiovisual resources to make their presentation more attractive and effective. During the presentation, they will share the results of their project with the class and possibly with the general public. In addition, they will be asked to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of their project, reflecting on how they managed to convey their message and whether they managed to generate awareness and sensitization in their audience.

Once the presentation is over, an evaluation session will take place in which students will critically analyze their own work and that of their classmates. They will be asked to reflect on the challenges and achievements they experienced during the development of the project, as well as on the lessons learned and the improvements they could implement in future similar initiatives. This evaluation stage will promote students' critical thinking and self-reflection skills.
Learning and evaluation activities
  • Competential learning: Students will develop research, communication and teamwork skills through surveys, interviews and information analysis. In addition, they will participate in the planning and structuring of a collaborative project, which will allow them to apply and strengthen their competence capacities.
  • Gender perspective: During the activities, gender equality will be promoted and the equitable participation of all students will be promoted, without discrimination on the basis of gender. Respect and evaluation of each individual's opinions and experiences will be encouraged, ensuring an inclusive and respectful environment.
  • Universality (inclusion): The linguistic and cultural diversity of students will be taken into account, recognizing and valuing the different languages and dialect varieties present in the environment. The inclusion of all voices and experiences will be promoted, fostering an environment of respect and acceptance of diversity.
  • Quality of language education: Students will expand their knowledge of linguistic and cultural diversity, researching and analyzing the languages present in their community. They will use different resources and multimedia supports to enrich their learning, thus strengthening the quality of education in the field of languages.
  • Democratic citizenship and global awareness: During the activities, we will reflect on the importance of linguistic and cultural diversity in our globalized society. Students will discuss stereotypes and linguistic prejudices, and will work on creating a collaborative project to promote linguistic and cultural diversity in their community, thus fostering global awareness and democratic citizenship.
  • Emotional well-being: A safe and respectful environment will be provided where students can share their personal experiences and reflect on sensitive issues such as linguistic and cultural diversity. Empathy, mutual respect and the valuation of differences will be promoted, contributing to the emotional well-being of students.
Universal sizes and supports
The proposed activities have various measures and supports to facilitate learning for all students. Some of these measures are detailed below:

1. Diversification of strategies: The activities cover different approaches to addressing linguistic and cultural diversity. For example, reflection, research, analysis and project development activities are included. This allows students with different learning styles to participate and understand content more effectively.

2. Work in groups: Some activities are carried out in groups, which encourages collaboration and the exchange of knowledge among students. Working as a team provides them with an opportunity to learn from each other, share ideas and experiences, and strengthen social skills.

3. Use of multimedia resources: Different media, such as videos, recordings and digital resources, are used to expand knowledge about linguistic and cultural diversity. These multimedia resources can be accessible to different types of students, as they offer a variety of formats and visual and auditory stimuli.

4. Creation of educational materials: During application activities, students design educational activities and materials to sensitize other students and the general public. By having the opportunity to create their own materials, students can adapt them to their own abilities and learning styles, allowing them to actively participate in the teaching-learning process.

5. Evaluation of effectiveness and impact: Students evaluate the effectiveness and impact of their projects. This assessment provides them with an opportunity to reflect on their own learning and improve their self-regulation skills. In addition, it allows them to adjust their approaches and strategies for future projects, taking into account the needs and preferences of the student body.
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I loved how easy it is to create a learning situation and the result is incredible!!. I'm sure I'll develop a resource thanks to Mathew and I'll share it with my IG faculty colleagues. Congratulations to everyone!

Tomorrow I'm doing my 7-day test 😍 that looks good! Congratulations!

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First of all, thank you very much for Mathew to those of us who are teachers and we are preparing the opos, you are saving our lives 🤪

First tests with @MathewEducation creating learning activities and situations with his artificial intelligence. Although I want to continue experimenting, the first results are surprising, especially for the functionality of #SdA. We very much need to keep moving forward with educational AI

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